Bohemian Dreams

Do you dream of creating a bohemian style room but don’t know where to start?  Think about what you do have in your home and shop your other rooms.  Gather all your favorites together before you start designing.  If you have a bench but hate the color, paint it!  Pinterest has numerous techniques to inspire your creativity!  Use old pillow cases and dye them with Rit dye to create the color pallette. Purchase the dye at the grocery store or Walmart.  Stuff in new or old pillows or stuffing to make a comfortable seat like the one above.

Pick out drapes from another room and switch them out for a new look or use sheets and add curtain clips.  Other great sources for inexpensive curtains are Big Lots, Ollies, and other discount surplus stores.

Make a table out of driftwood or sticks from a local craft store.  Attach them to table surface or make one from a tray you have around your home.  Think outside the box and see what you can find laying around.  You don’t have to spend money to decorate.  Add clear colored bottles or your collections to accessorize.  Find items with similar colors to create an arragement.  Keep items in uneven numbers for a neater look.  Another idea is to use baskets to hold pillows or blankets with a similar color scheme.

Create lights with glass jars to hang from windows, in door frames or from the ceiling.   Use tea candles or small electric lights to place inside for a romantic morracian look.  Or hang broken necklaces from hooks in the windows to create a colorful design in the sunlight.

Finally, make it something you love to relax in.  Keep what you love and get rid of the rest.

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