DIY Seaglass and Driftwood


Do you need an easy craft to fill the winter months?  Try this easy DIY project.  You will only need a few items to start: sea glass, a piece of driftwood (or a heavy stick), wire, a piece of small chain and some small hooks.

Step 1.  Place your sea glass in container.  Or sort by color if that helps making your pattern (see step 2).


Step 2.  Arrange the glass into a pattern you like.  I used a plastic tub lid to keep them organized.  This helps in case you need to move it before you finish.


Step 3.  Decide if you want copper or silver wire to wrap the sea glass.  I used 20 gauge. Use wire that can support the glass when hanging.IMG_7595

I started using copper, but decided the silver looked better with the sea glass I was using. Start with the bottom rock and begin wrapping the glass.  continue until you reach the last rock for that row.  Leave 8-10 inches of wire so you can adjust it to the hook in the next step. Complete all the rows this way.

Step 4.  Attach hooks to the bottom of the driftwood to hang each strand from.  Next, attach hooks at the top of driftwood (one on the right and left).  Adjust small chain to the length you want it to hang.  You’re done.  Please share your creations with us!  We would love to share them.


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